Practice Advanced Flying Maneuvers Without Damaging Your Quadcopter

Quadcopters are lots of fun to fly, especially if you know how to perform advanced flying maneuvers. With even beginner-level quadcopters costing more than $300, however, learning such maneuvers can be an expensive proposition. A single bad crash could set you back several hundred dollars, possibly even a thousand dollars if you have a high-end model with accessories. If you've had some experience flying a quadcopter and want to take your skills to the next level, here are some steps you can take to reduce the risk of a crash while you practice new maneuvers.

Choose a Day with Minimal Wind

A truly expert quadcopter pilot is able to compensate for gusts of wind by slightly pitching their quadcopter into the wind. Learning just how much to pitch a quadcopter and how long to keep it pitched into the wind takes a lot of practice, though, and it shouldn't be rushed. If you take your quadcopter out into heavy wind before you're able to cope with the gusts, you may be unable to properly handle your flying machine and crash it.

To master the art of compensating for wind while minimizing the risk of a crash, slowly increase the amount of wind you pilot your quadcopter in. As you become skilled at piloting your quadcopter in light winds, begin taking it out in slightly stronger winds. Eventually, you'll be able to masterfully pilot it in the strongest winds that the manufacturer recommends using your quadcopter in. You should, of course, never take it out in higher winds, no matter how skilled a pilot you are.

Invest in a Quadcopter with GPS Capabilities

GPS-equipped quadcopters aren't just easier to locate if the wind takes them far from you, but they're also easier to fly. Quadcopters equipped with GPS-stabilization can use their location and orientation to steady themselves.

While you may eventually want to disable any GPS stabilization if you're goal is to skillfully maneuver your quadcopter in a fully manual mode, having the feature available will let you focus on maneuvers without worrying about losing control. For instance, you can use a stabilization mode to ensure your copter doesn't fall to the ground while you learn how to go through narrow passageways. Once you can make it through the passageways with the GPS stabilization enabled, you can begin practicing without it turned on.

Stay Near Obstacles You're Maneuvering Around

You should stay close to the obstacles you're trying to maneuver around for two reasons. First, being near them will help you see precisely what you have to avoid. Second, it will ensure your quadcopter doesn't go out of range. You certainly don't want to be taking a turn about an obstacle only to have your quadcopter lose signal when it's on the opposite side of the obstacle.

Located the Throttle -- And Know How to Turn It Off

No matter how many precautions you take before practicing advanced maneuvers, the possibility of a crash can't be completely eliminated. You are, after all, pushing your boundaries as a pilot.

Before practicing any maneuver, locate the throttle on your controls and figure out how to turn it off. Should you quadcopter crash, quickly turning off the throttle will stop its blades and prevent the motors from suffering any further damage.

Learning to masterfully maneuver a quadcopter is both fun and challenging. As you improve your piloting skill, you'll increase your enjoyment of your quadcopter. When practicing, though, make sure that flying your quadcopter remains fun and doesn't turn into a disaster. Take these precautions to reduce the risk of crashing it when learning new moves, and know how to turn off its throttle if you do. These steps could save you hundreds, or thousands, of dollars. For more tips and information about accessories that may help you, contact a company like Superior Hobbies.
